The show’s features, such as The ’80s Game, When Did That Happen, The Rock Vault, The One Hit Wonder and The Total Recall Top 5 satisfy the audience’s curiosity for trivia about ’80s memories, styles and events.
Whether you play a full-time format of “All ’80s All the Time” or if you just play ’80s hits to claim a specialty position at night or on weekends, the natural programming choices are Nina Blackwood’s Absolutely ’80s and the daily companion Absolutely ’80s Spotlights.
The daily Absolutely ’80s Spotlights provide a daily (Mon.-Fri.) dose to match the 3-hour weekend show.
The weekly show is 3 hours per week and the five daily 90-second Spotlights per week are for Monday-Friday
For more information contact:
Heather Edwards, Affiliate Relations